Atrás y Detrás

“Atrás” y “Detrás” son dos palabras en español que se usan comúnmente para referirse a algo que está ubicado en la parte postterior de otra cosa.

“Atrás” se refiere a la dirección opuesta a la que se está mirando o yendo. Por ejemplo: “El coche está aparcado detrás del edificio” o “Me senté en la parte de atrás del autobús”.

“Detrás” se refiere a la posición relativa de algo que está ubicado en la parte posterior de otra cosa. Por ejemplo: “La casa tiene un jardín detrás” o “La mesa está detrás del sofá”.En resumen, “atrás” se refiere a la dirección opuesta, mientras que “detrás” se refiere a la posición relativa de algo en la parte posterior de otra cosa.

In other words:

  1. Detrás” is used to indicate the position of something or someone that is located further away in relation to another object or person. Example: The car is behind the house.
  2. Atrás” is used to indicate the direction in which something or someone is moving away. Example: The car moved backward.
  3. Atrás” can also be used to indicate the back part of something. Example: The back part of the car is very spacious.
  4. Additionally, “atrás” can also be used to indicate a position of inferiority or delay in relation to something or someone. Example: Our team is very far behind in the standings.

Verbos que usan el imperfecto

Cuando estás hablando en el pasado, estos 5 verbos se usan mayormente en el Imperfecto: ar – er – ir- (aba, ía)

1. Saber – To know Yo no sabía que ella era tan inteligente “I didn’t know she was so inteligente”

2. Tener – To have Pedro  tenía  mucho tiempo librePedro had a lot of time.

3. Querer – To want Quería ir a cenar con Paco a los tacos. I wanted to go with Paco  to eat tacos.
I wanted to go eat tacos with Paco

4. Necesitar – To need Mi jefe necesitaba que yo terminara el proyecto ayer.
My boss needed me to finish the project yesterday.

5. Esperar – To expect something to happen or someone to do something. Mi esposa esperaba su comida.
My wife expected her food.

Aguacate de Morelos

Morelos is not a major avocado-producing region in Mexico, as most of the country’s avocado production comes from the states of Michoacán, Jalisco, and Nayarit. However, there are some avocado farms in Morelos that offer tours and allow visitors to participate in the harvest.

One example is Rancho El Reencuentro, located in the municipality of Coatlán del Río, Morelos. This ranch has a small avocado orchard and offers guided tours that include a visit to the orchard and a chance to participate in the harvest. The tours also include a traditional Mexican meal made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

Another option is Finca Las Delicias, located in the town of Tetela del Volcán, Morelos. This farm has a variety of crops, including avocados, and offers tours that showcase their organic farming practices. Visitors can see the avocado trees and participate in the harvest, and can also learn about other crops grown on the farm, such as coffee and cacao.

It is recommended to contact these farms in advance to inquire about availability, schedules, and prices for their avocado harvest tours.

Verbos accidentales

In Spanish, accidental verbs are those that describe actions or processes that occur by chance or accidentally, without the intention of the subject. Here are some examples of accidental verbs in Spanish:

  1. Tropezar – to trip or stumble
  2. Caerse – to fall (as in, to accidentally fall down)
  3. Romper – to break (as in, accidentally breaking something)
  4. Perder – to lose (as in, accidentally misplacing or losing something)
  5. Olvidar – to forget (as in, accidentally forgetting something)
  6. Chocar – to collide or crash (as in, accidentally colliding with something)
  7. Derramar – to spill (as in, accidentally spilling a drink or food)
  8. Quemar – to burn (as in, accidentally burning something)
  9. Rasgar – to tear (as in, accidentally tearing something)
  10. Atrapar – to catch (as in, accidentally catching something that was thrown)

It’s important to note that some of these verbs can also be used voluntarily, depending on the context. For example, “romper” can be used voluntarily if someone decides to intentionally break something, but it’s accidental if it happens by carelessness or by accident.



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