Más de vs. más que.

MÁS QUE: Se usa cuando estamos comparando la altura, el tamaño, la longitud, u otra característica de dos cosas o personas.

  • La casa de Angela es muy grande, más que la de Graciela.
  • David es muy alto, más que Miguel. 

MÁS DE: Se usa cuando estamos hablando de una cantidad superior.Con números

  • Mi ciudad tiene más de 200 parques.
  • En Cuernavaca  hay más de 100 mil de personas.

Five Ideas to Learn Spanish

  1. Practice: The more you practice speaking in Spanish, the more confident you will become. Find opportunities to speak with native speakers, practice with language exchange partners, or simply speak aloud to yourself.
  1. Build your vocabulary: The more words you know, the more easily you’ll be able to express yourself in Spanish. Work on expanding your vocabulary through reading, listening to music, or using language learning apps.
  2. Learn grammar: While it’s important to focus on building your vocabulary, understanding Spanish grammar is essential for effective communication. Take the time to learn verb conjugation, sentence structure, and other grammar rules.
  3. Listen to Spanish: Listening to native Spanish speakers can help you improve your pronunciation and comprehension skills. Listen to Spanish music, podcasts, or news broadcasts to practice your listening skills.
  4. Be patient: Learning a language takes time and patience. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see progress right away. Keep practicing, learning, and speaking, and you’ll see improvement over time.

Overall, speaking in Spanish takes practice and dedication. By building your vocabulary, learning grammar rules, and practicing speaking and listening skills, you can become more comfortable and confident speaking in Spanish.

Could vs Would en Español

  • Could in Spanish can be translated as “podría” or “pudiera” depending on the context. “Podría” is the conditional form of the verb “poder” and is used to express the possibility or ability to do something in the present or future. For example: “Podría ir al cine esta noche” (I could go to the movies tonight). “Pudiera” is the subjunctive form of “poder” and is used to express a hypothetical or uncertain situation. For example: “Si pudiera hablar francés, iría a París” (If I could speak French, I would go to Paris).
  • Would in Spanish can be translated as “sería” or “estaría” depending on the context. “Sería” is the conditional form of the verb “ser” and is used to express hypothetical or imaginary situations. For example: “Si tuviera más tiempo, sería feliz” (If I had more time, I would be happy). “Estaría” is the conditional form of the verb “estar” and is used to express a possibility or hypothesis based on a condition. For example: “Si estuviera en tu lugar, no lo haría” (If I were in your place, I wouldn’t do it).

It’s important to note that the conditional and subjunctive tenses in Spanish are often used to express politeness, requests, and suggestions in a more indirect way than using the simple present tense. Additionally, the use of these tenses and forms can vary depending on the region and the context in which they are used.



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