Verbos accidentales

In Spanish, accidental verbs are those that describe actions or processes that occur by chance or accidentally, without the intention of the subject. Here are some examples of accidental verbs in Spanish:

  1. Tropezar – to trip or stumble
  2. Caerse – to fall (as in, to accidentally fall down)
  3. Romper – to break (as in, accidentally breaking something)
  4. Perder – to lose (as in, accidentally misplacing or losing something)
  5. Olvidar – to forget (as in, accidentally forgetting something)
  6. Chocar – to collide or crash (as in, accidentally colliding with something)
  7. Derramar – to spill (as in, accidentally spilling a drink or food)
  8. Quemar – to burn (as in, accidentally burning something)
  9. Rasgar – to tear (as in, accidentally tearing something)
  10. Atrapar – to catch (as in, accidentally catching something that was thrown)

It’s important to note that some of these verbs can also be used voluntarily, depending on the context. For example, “romper” can be used voluntarily if someone decides to intentionally break something, but it’s accidental if it happens by carelessness or by accident.



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